2022 Preserving the Historic Road International
Advocacy to Action: Meeting the Challenges of the Next Generation.
Join us in Portland, Oregon September 22–24, 2022.
Mitchell Point Tunnel (Photo: Oregon Department of Transportation)
Omaha Declaration
Historic roads are vitally important cultural resources that embody significant developments in engineering, design and social history. Recognizing the important role that roads have played in our nation’s history, we believe that it is essential to develop strategies for managing historic road resources that combine a firm commitment to historic preservation with due respect for public safety and utility.
Preserving historic roads enhances our understanding of the American experience, enriches our transportation system, and promotes beneficial social, economic and practical goals.
– Omaha Declaration adopted at the 2002 Preserving the Historic Road in America conference in Omaha, Nebraska.
About Historic Roads
This website is managed as a resource for the Preserving the Historic Road International Conference (PTHRIC). This website was initially developed for the predecessor biennial conference, Preserving the Historic Road in America in 1999, with support from the US National Trust for Historic Preservation. The text was written by Paul Daniel Marriott, PhD.
Please note that this website is not intended to offer any specific engineering, safety or liability advice—all actions and activities undertaken for a historic road should be developed and reviewed under the direction of a licensed engineer or transportation professional in accordance with the laws and policies of the jurisdiction in which the historic road is located. This site maintains no formal affiliation with any of the historic roads listed or organizations referenced.
Please let us know how we can continue to improve historicroads.org. If you have ideas or suggestions, or are aware of a resource or assistance source that could help other historic roads, we welcome your comments at info@historicroads.org.
Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. Credit: Paul Daniel Marriott